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  • Engaging storyline
  • Well-developed characters
  • Romantic and romantic
  • Easy to read
  • Good mystery

True Believer - by Nicholas Sparks (Paperback)

Los usuarios dicen:
Nicholas Sparks' latest book, True Believer, is a great love story that follows the story of Jeremy and Lexie as they journey through the hearts of each other. The characters are believable and the story is full of mystery and romance. It is a great read for anyone who loves Sparks and would recommend it to anyone.
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True Believer is a heartwarming love story that follows the journey of Jeremy Marsh, a science journalist and Lexie Darnell, a North Carolina librarian who dare to believe in the impossible. The book will make you believe in the miracle of love.
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Nicholas Sparks' latest book, True Believer, is a great love story that follows the story of Jeremy and Lexie as they journey through the hearts of each other. The characters are believable and the story is full of mystery and romance. It is a great read for anyone who loves Sparks and would recommend it to anyone.


  • Engaging storyline
  • Well-developed characters
  • Romantic and romantic
  • Easy to read
  • Good mystery


  • Slow start
  • Simplistic plot
  • Lack of explanation for missing details
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True Believer is a heartwarming love story that follows the journey of Jeremy Marsh, a science journalist and Lexie Darnell, a North Carolina librarian who dare to believe in the impossible. The book will make you believe in the miracle of love.